How to take care of your amber?

1. How to store it

Baltic amber is a precious gemstone, so be sure you treat it with care and treasure like any valuable property. Amber is a soft gemstone and especially with age it can even become brittle. It is important to keep in mind that chemicals and oxidation can cause an unpleasant harm to it.
Amber should not be stored with other jewelry because it can easily be scratched or rubbed, especially because of metals. We recommend you keeping your amber jewelry in a soft pouch with a drawstring for closing.

2. How to clean it

In order to keep your amber jewelry in its best condition, time to time you should clean it. To do that, you will need a soft flannel cloth dampened with clean lukewarm water. Be sure you have dried your amber very carefully and then you can lightly polish it with clear olive oil. After that, use another soft cloth to remove any excess oil and polish it until it shines.
Remember to be careful when cleaning Amber has an approximately Mohs Hardness Value of 2.5, which means it’s a very soft gemstone, and can be scratched.

 3. Other valuable information

Be aware that perfume or hairspray and similar other chemicals are placed far from your amber jewelry. And please, never clean you amber with a help of commercial cleaning solutions.
One more important thing is – look where you keep your amber jewelry. It is extremely important not to leave amber in direct sunlight. If you take off your amber jewelry, put it in its soft bag in order to avoid direct sun rays.
Also, avoid extreme temperatures – too hot or too cold can cause damage to the stone.

Amber is an exquisite gemstone and it has so many reasons to be loved for, but be mindful and treasure it like it deserved. By following these easy guidelines, your amber jewelry will reward you with a lifetime of service, value and positive energy.

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